“I’m kind of in a state of shock,” Sheila begins. “My sister
was arrested for shoplifting. A lipstick for heaven sakes! She could have
bought a million lipsticks! I don’t get it. And she doesn’t seem to be able to
explain it. At least not to me.”
“You’ve never talked much about your sister,” I say to
Sheila. “What’s your relationship like?”

“Do you still feel jealous of your sister?”
“I guess. It seemed she was always creating problems, but
still got everyone to love her. But I don’t know about this time. My parents
are definitely not happy. And I can only imagine how Cliff’s family will react.”
“Does that bring you some satisfaction?”
“I wouldn’t say that to anyone but you, but yes, it does.
Except she’ll probably get out of this too. And I really shouldn’t complain. I
have a great career, a wonderful husband and a lovely daughter. You can’t ask
for much more than that.”
“Do you feel less than your sister?”

“Not silly at all, Sheila. Our unconscious is timeless and
the experiences and feelings we had at five and ten and fifteen, are as much
with us, as our present day experiences and feelings.”
“Makes sense.”
“You haven’t talked at all about your mother’s feelings
about you or your sister.”
“I guess that’s because I never knew how my mother felt.
About anything. She was always efficient and proper and did the things she
needed to do, including taking care of us, and I suppose loving us, but there
was a shallowness to her feelings. Or maybe it’s that feelings were too messy.
She did what she needed to do, her feelings on the shelf.”
“So in relation to your mother, your sister and you were
equal, neither of you getting very much.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t say that. I mean we may have been equal, but
it’s not that we didn’t get very much.”
“Are you saying you think we were emotionally deprived?”
“You were the good girl, your sister acted out. Maybe you
were both trying to get more love and attention.”
“I wonder if that’s why I sometimes get depressed out of the
blue. It’s like everything is going along fine and suddenly there’s this black
“That a great insight, Sheila. What you’re saying is that
those childhood feelings we were talking about earlier catch up with you and
suddenly you’re a kid again feeling needy and ungiven to and depressed.”
“That’s exactly right!” She pauses. “You know, that also
makes me feel more sympathy towards my sister. I like that. It’s a new
feeling.” Another pause. “Do you think
she shoplifted because she felt needy and thought the lipstick would make her
feel better?”
“You’re saying she was trying to nurture herself with a
material object, because she didn’t feel given to emotionally. That’s certainly
a possibility. And I imagine there’s some anger thrown in there as well.
Probably for both of you.”
“Hmm. I’ve never seen myself as an angry person, but I guess
we’ll have to talk about that next time.”
“Okay. We will.”
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