She continues. “I spent my whole afternoon in the pain doctor’s office and didn’t even get everything done. The pain is terrible. Everything hurts me – my back, my hips, my neck, even my feet. I can’t take it anymore.”

“I liked the doctor.”
My eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “Well that’s important. And positive.”
“Well, he was nice, but I don’t see why he couldn’t give me an injection yesterday and not make me come back.”
“Did he tell you why?”
“He needed me to get an MRI first. And he couldn’t do it in his office – I guess he doesn’t have the equipment. That wasn’t good either. And he said I had to call for an appointment. I don’t know why they couldn’t call for me. I don’t carry my phone with me. It’s way too heavy. I didn’t want to have to go all the way home and then go out for an MRI another day. I’m in pain! Obviously or I wouldn’t be in his office. I told them – I was in the waiting room by then, arguing with the office staff - I’d be willing to sit wherever and wait until they could take me.”
“Mrs. Green, does it seem to you that you have lots of expectations of other people, expectations that might be impossible to fulfill?”
“What! What expectations?”
“Well, what are your thoughts about that?”
“Why should I have any thoughts about that? You’re the one who brought it up. You should be the one telling me.”
Annoyed at this constantly demanding patient, I try to step back. “I wonder if you feel so un-given to, so lacking in nurturing that you have a profound need to be taken care of, whether that’s me answering your question rather than your thinking about it yourself or wanting a doctor to have every possible piece of machinery available in his office, or needing others to make phone calls for you.”
“That’s just stupid psychobabble. Probably because you can’t answer your own dumb question.”
Feeling angry, I’m silent, trying to figure out what I want to say next.”
“What? Cat got your tongue?

“And that would be my fault?! How about your looking at you?”
“I’m happy to look at how I may be contributing to the difficulty we’re having, but that means you’ll need to look at how you might be contributing to the difficulty too.”
“Okay. So tell me. Both sides.”
“I’m going to answer that question, Mrs. Green, but I want to point out that you’ve again issued a demand and as a result of that demand I don’t really want to answer the question. I am going to answer the question, but I suspect that most people who aren’t therapists wouldn’t. They’d see you as an entitled, demanding, angry, embittered woman. And, from my perspective, that’s all true. But I do think there’s a reason you’re that way and I’m willing to work on us trying to figure out what that reason is which might help you to make some changes.”
“And what’s your part?”
“I think it may be particularly difficult for me to have people make demands on me without my wanting to resist their demands and that might make our work together more difficult.”
“So should I find someone else?”
“That’s certainly your choice. I’d be happy to give you some referrals if that’s what you decide.”
“You’re probably all alike. I’ll stick with you for a while and see what happens.”
“Okay. Fair enough.”