Last week’s blog was “Who Dislikes Whom and Why?” This is
the companion piece: “Who Loves Whom and Why?”

Why we love someone – in or out of the treatment room – is
multi-determined by our unconscious, our early caretakers, our past
relationships, our present life circumstances and by the other person’s
response to us. When two people meet, whether it be in a therapist’s office or
at a party, each person brings this complexity of history, needs and wants to
the interaction that invariably affects both parties.

I was hooked by Alyce’s vulnerability covered by a fierce
determination. Although I do not believe I was ever as disturbed as Alyce, I
think that dynamic - vulnerability covered by determination - is also who I am.
I fought my father although I was terrified of him. I became a psychologist and
psychoanalyst over his strenuous and critical objections. I admire grit and I
understand the terror that lurks underneath. So in giving to and loving patients
like Alyce, I am also giving and loving that child within me.
Although I didn’t know at the time, there was a period in
the treatment when my love became too frightening for Alyce, perhaps
threatening her sense of self. Unbeknownst to me, she began seeing another
therapist. When she finally told me, I was hurt and shocked. I had been trying
so hard, and all my efforts were deemed insufficient. Actually, I had been
trying too hard. I had to be willing to let Alyce go. She had to choose. She
couldn’t see two therapists. Once I was willing to let her go, she could choose
to stay. Our work could then continue.
I don’t remember ever moving from love to dislike of a
patient, but there have been treatments where I believed an intense connection
would develop, only to find my expectations dashed. Vanessa is such a patient –
warm, caring, sensitive, introspective. I thought our relationship would become
closer over time. But that was not the case. When I asked myself what was
missing, I concluded that Vanessa could not allow herself to feel vulnerable.
She had experienced too much trauma and loss in her early life to risk opening
up that pain or to risk another relationship in which loss was inevitable. She
made progress in treatment, but never allowed herself to fully love. And loving
a patient who does not love back is difficult, at least for me.
In contrast, there is Caroline, another patient presented in
my book. I did not feel an immediate connection to her, but over the course of
her analysis we definitely grew to love each other. She became far more open,
vulnerable, and aware of the needy, despairing child within her. She could
speak her feelings in beautiful metaphoric language, almost poetry, touching an
unconscious core in both of us. Additionally, there were major changes in my
life as I dealt with my husband’s illness and eventual death. Those changes
brought our present day lives ever closer together, as well as increasing my own
vulnerability and desire for connection.
So I will end this blog as I did the last one. Who loves
whom and why? The answer, as always, is complex, determined by both people in
the consulting room, by their experiences of each other, by their past
histories and by their present life circumstances.
Love is really complicated. But it can be really simple. It depends whether its infatuation, nurturing, or just basic human kindness.
Love is always complicated, because the reason we love someone is always multi-determined.
In this blog I was addressing the love between patient and therapist which, of course, is no less complicated.
Indeed. Its a powerful and sometimes turbulent relationship.
You are absolutely correct!
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